ambassadors program
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Submit your application to be considered for an Ambassador position for the 2024/2025 season.
Please note applications require resumes/CVs, as well as written or verbal responses.
trade your skills for dance education
Do you love Luminesque and jump at any opportunity to show up for the community? We’re excited to introduce the Ambassador program, which is our way of giving back to the long-term community members that give so much of their time, energy, and skills to helping Luminesque thrive as a community. This by-application, work-trade program is our way of streamlining and formalizing opportunities to contribute to Luminesque, so they are as accessible, fair, and reciprocally valuable as possible.
Our AMBASSADOR program is designed for dancers who are:
Planning to dance in the Company (Alumni only) or Progress (Returning only) programs, all year
Long-term, dedicated members of the Luminesque community
Excited to contribute your special skills & talents to Luminesque
Available on a consistent, reliable basis to contribute their time
Diligent about documenting the work they do for Luminesque
Honoured to be seen as leaders within the Luminesque community
The Ambassador program is a work-trade program designed to award long-term community members for their contributions by subsidizing some or all of the cost of their terms within our Company or Progress Programs. Because Ambassadors are required to pay their outstanding point balance at the end of each term (and do not qualify for retroactive financial aid), this program is not primarily aimed at folks seeking financial assistance. Our Scholarships and Sliding Scale programs may be a better fit, if this is your primary reason for applying.
how it works
The Ambassador program is an annual commitment, by-application, and there are a limited amount of spots are available each year. Spots are limited to ensure there is adequate work opportunities available for students to reasonably earn points, and to ensure that Luminesque staff have the capacity to properly support and manage the Ambassadors team. Every year the Ambassadors need to reapply to be considered, even if they have been members of the program before.
Applications are decided by Luminesque Co-Owners, based on:
History of contributions to the Luminesque community
Alignment of an applicant’s skills with current LumiHQ needs
Luminesque staff’s past experiences and interactions with applicants
Alignment of an applicant’s reasons for joining with the program’s intent
Overall diversity of perspectives and skills in the overall Ambassador cohort
NOTE FOR CURRENTLY REGISTERED STUDENTS: If students are accepted to the Ambassador program and have already paid part or whole of their registration fees for the upcoming year, they will be refunded upon acceptance into the program.
Ambassadors begin the year with an outstanding balance of 100 points they need to earn by the end of the year. Points are earned by completing tasks listed in the Points Index (see “Complete Tasks to Earn Points” for more information below).
If a student manages to earn 50 points each term, then their entire Progress program registration fees are paid ($1750 per year). This overall cost represents the lowest possible price for two consecutive Progress programs (i.e. similar to the “LumiLifer” pass).
If a student is in Company, they pay a reduced payment plan of $74.00/mo for 10 months in addition to the 100 points. This makes up for the significant difference in the cost and overhead required for the Company program, compared to the Progress program.
If at the end of the Fall term, the student has more than 50 points still left to earn, they must “buy out” the points they owe beyond 50 at $17.50 per point. They must make this payment before the beginning of Spring term. For example, if by the end of Fall term, Tina still needs to earn 64 points, she would pay $245.00 (14 points x $17.50) to continue.
If at the end of Spring term, the student has any points still left to earn, they must “buy out” the points they owe at $17.50 per point until their balance is 0. For example, if by the end of Spring term, Tom has 9 points left to earn, he would pay $157.50 (9 x $17.50) to be in good standing.
We provide a Task Index that lists hundreds of ways - big and small - to contribute to Luminesque, and their associated point value.
Tasks can either be:
Automatically Available: Any Ambassador can do them at any time without approval (i.e. post an Instagram reel about your experience at Luminesque)
Limited Opt-in: Limited opportunities are available, but any Ambassadors may opt in on a first-come-first-served basis (i.e. signing up to help with setting up marley on a show day). These opportunities will be posted in the Ambassadors WhatsApp group, and program members will be able to opt-in by responding to the call to action.
Special Skill Application: Some opportunities are only available by application, as they require specific skills to complete. (i.e. serving as a classroom assistant in another Progress program, or signing up to photograph a community event). These opportunities will be posted to the Ambassadors chat, they may apply, and then will be informed if they got the job.
Some more examples of point-earning tasks, their types, and points value include:
Selling 50/50 tickets at a show (2 points, limited opt-in)
Cleaning the studio once (2 points) or, for a month (10 points, limited opt-in)
Assisting with packing Costume Bags (1-10 points, limited opt-in)
Doing social media takeovers at events (4-8 points, special skill application)
Assisting at a Preview class (4 points, special skill application)
Participating in a promotional photoshoot (5 points, limited opt-in)
Signing up a NewToLumi student (10 points, automatic)
Professionally photographing a Luminesque community event (10-20 points, special skill application)
Serving as the classroom assistant for a NewToLumi course (25 points, special skill application)
Serving as the classroom assistant for a Returning course (30 points, special skill application)
If Ambassadors have ideas for new tasks to add to the index, they will be welcome to fill out a form that will be reviewed by LumiHQ. If their idea is approved, they will be informed, and it will be added to the index.
It is the sole responsibility of the Ambassadors to document and record their points as they earn them.
When an Ambassador completes a task, they fill out the Points Tracker form with:
What the task was
When they completed it
How many points it earned
Any relevant documentation of the task
Submissions to the Points Tracker Form automatically populate the Points Tracker sheet. This sheet allows all Ambassadors to see their total outstanding points balance at any time, as well as the progress of all the other Ambassadors, for sake of transparency. Exact details about the tasks they’ve completed are not available to view by any other Ambassadors, only their total point balance.
Ambassadors must make at least one points entry per month to be considered in good standing with the Ambassadors program. Failure to submit points in a timely manner will result in removal from the Ambassadors program (and thus necessitate paying for their Progress or Company programs like any other student).
At the end of each term, Ambassador points will be reviewed, and Ambassadors will pay any outstanding balance owed per term, in a lump sum payment of $17.50 + GST per point outstanding. See “Subsidize Fees for Points” above for more information and examples about how to “buy out” unearned points each term.
Failure to pay outstanding balances for Fall will prevent the student from participating in Spring programs until they have paid.
Failure to pay outstanding balances for Spring term will prevent the student from booking any other Luminesque classes until their account is in good standing. Retroactive financial aid is not available, so it is very important Ambassadors earn points with work.
Our Annual Passes refund policy applies to any Ambassador program participant, including the Exceptional Circumstances clauses. Unearned points are considered as registration fees owing, at a value of $17.50 per point.
ready to apply?
have questions?
Contact us and we’ll be happy to help!