top tips and tricks for performers: how prepare to shine on stage

Show days are such an incredible and memorable experience. As dancers, we train long and hard for our performances, and when the day finally arrives, it's essential to be fully prepared both physically and mentally. Show day can be nerve-wracking, but with the right tips and tricks, you can step on stage with confidence and give an incredible performance. In this post, we'll share some practical advice to help you make the most of show day and ensure that everything runs smoothly.


It's crucial to start hydrating for your performance the week of your show. It's common for performers to become dehydrated due to the adrenaline tricking our bodies into not feeling thirsty during show day. The day before the show, bring that reusable water bottle everywhere and fill it up a few times. 

Did you know that depending on your hair type, textured/slightly dirty hair can be easier to style than clean hair? Plan accordingly.

Make a list of everything you will need to pack and pack your bag the night before. PRO TIP: Use that list when you gather all your stuff before you leave the venue post-show. You can find a packing list at the end of this blog. 


You'll want to eat a big breakfast/big meal before you head to the venue. A nutritious meal filled with protein, healthy fats and carbs will help to keep you energized and full throughout the day. Once the adrenaline starts to kick in, we don't feel hungry, and it gets hard to remember to eat and drink water. PRO TIP: set alarms on your phone that say "drink water" and "eat food". The trick is to drink and eat even if you don't feel like it. That's why having a few beverages (water, electrolyte drink, protein shake/smoothie) and easy-to-eat snacks (fruits, nuts, energy bars) will be the easiest to consume. 

Start your makeup and hair as early as you can. You often think that you will have time once you get to the venue, but there is no way to predict the unexpected things that will come up. Having your makeup 80% done will have you feeling less rushed. 

The same goes for your costume. Wearing as much of your base as possible saves you from finding time to change. Spend your time resting, practicing or eating when not needed on stage. 

If you get overstimulated easily, take stimulation breaks. You could step outside for a breath of fresh air and sunlight. You could curl up in a corner with your eye mask and noise-cancelling headphones on and tune out the chaos for 10 mins. This will help to regulate your nervous system.

Savour the moment. Take pictures with your friends. We often get so caught up in the chaos of the show day that it's over before we have a chance to let it soak in. Take moments to be present and revel in the magic you are a part of. 


The best thing you can do post-show is to have a good meal. Whether you go out with friends after the show or not, we recommend a protein-packed meal to help your body recuperate all that energy expended. 

Taking a hot shower or an Epsom salt bath (if you get easily overstimulated try doing this in the dark) after the show will help to relax your muscles and your nervous system so that you can fall asleep easier. It will also help you avoid (what we like to call) the Glitter Crash (the physical, mental and emotional hangover you feel the day after your show). 

Take off all your makeup and cleanse your face to avoid breakouts. Sweating through a full face of show makeup is not great for your skin, so let it breathe once you get home. 

Our team has collectively built a top-notch packing list with everything you might need or want on show day. Bolded are the must-have necessities. Everything else is just a recommendation. 

Though this packing list seems extensive, it's important only to pack what you need because there are usually a lot of dancers sharing the same space.


  • your costume

  • your performance shoes

  • a backup pair of shoes

  • easy-to-eat snacks (fruits, energy bars - please avoid common allergy foods) in case you don't have time to grab something

  • your biggest reusable water bottle filled with water

  • an electrolyte beverage (with straw to not mess up makeup)

  • a protein shake or smoothie for call time that you can sip throughout the day

  • warm clothes to throw over the costume + keep warm. Even if it is hot outside, the venue will always be cooler, and it's important that our bodies stay warm throughout the long day

  • a robe or coverup in case you need to step out into the audience area before/during the show in costume - don’t wanna spoil the surprise!

  • a pair of slippers or runners that you can throw on so you aren't in your heels (or show shoes) all the time

  • an eye mask (if you get overstimulated easily)

  • some earplugs or noise-cancelling headphones (if you get overstimulated easily)

  • a hand fan (can find these at dollar stores)

  • a sweat towel

  • a small amount of your makeup for touch-ups

  • hairspray

  • extra everything for hair and costume malfunctions (bobby pins, safety pins, fishnets, backup bottoms, etc)

Finally, never forget that the most important aspect of any performance is your passion and love for what you do. Keep these tips and tricks in mind and go out and shine like the star you are meant to be!

Did we forget anything? We’d love to hear some of your show rituals in the comments!

XO/ Shaka and the Lumi teachers


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